This website was created in June 2005 shortly after the reports by the Canadian media in May 2005 that during 1966 and 1967 Agent Orange was sprayed at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown, New Brunswick, Canada The Department of National Defence (DND) claimed that the U.S. military had sprayed approximately 2 1/2 barrels (589 liters) of Agent Orange for a total of seven days in the years 1966 and 1967, for "testing purposes". Through the Access To Information Act, it was discovered that DND in fact has sprayed deadly Dioxin and Hexachorabenzene laced defoliants from 1956 to 1984. A total of over 1.3 million liters of defoliants Agent Orange, Agent Purple & Agent White containing Dioxin and Hexachlorobenzene were sprayed during that time. In addition, approximately 1 million kilograms of dry Agent White, containing Hexachlorobenzene, were sprayed at CFB Gagetown during the same period. The Department of National Defence and federal government would only discuss the spraying that happened in 1966 and 1967. After being publicly put to task by dedicated people and this website DND finally admitted to the other years. This website will watch with a critical eye the actions of the federal government and continually question the federal government's lack of action regarding the spraying.