serves all major towns and cities in Canada and features over 700 locations for visitors to explore their local area. Visitors can find a wide array of information, from the news and weather, gas prices, local area businesses, events and concerts and helpful links. Within each city page, we've built a layout that displays all of the important local information in an easy to read format. We expand user interaction by allowing registered users to 'favorite' multiple cities and businesses they are interested in. We've also integrated social media buttons so visitors can tell their friends about information that they find useful. We also offer forums for each city/town we service, as well as private messing and personal profiles. We complement user interaction with badges, so you can show off achievements we recognize on the website. Users have access to a powerful control panel to change their settings or information. For users that have businesses, we have a complete self-serve system for the creation and management of business listings. Business listings gain access to not only a business listing including a business card or logo, a map of their location, payment methods, up to 3 photos to show off, but also the social media buttons mentioned earlier. We offer this for a very low cost of roughly a Loonie + HST per day! Our main goal is to give visitors the BEST information we can give them for their local city/town. We actively seek feedback and comments on what we can include, change or remove, as well as keeping everyone up to date with our own website news area. is hoping you will take some time to check out what we have to offer, and to keep coming back. We want to give local business a more level and cost-effective playing field to get more clients and visibility. Check us out, and thank you for reading this review!