Sherlock the Remarkable Cat Series

Sherlock the Remarkable Cat Series

Based on the author's real cat who was adopted from the Humboldt & District SPCA after they fostered for the holidays. Sherlock proved to be a unique cat who not only could not meow, but took a preference to the family over cats and “talks” in an unusual way with his trilling sounds. Sherlock is very much like a toddler in the Caswell home, often seen following his “mom” around the house and asking to be carried. He quickly adopted the Caswell's as his “cat” family, treating the author's daughter like another kitten and greets them at the door when they come home. Join Sherlock as he shares his unique personality with you in his own tale! The books are not about detectives and they are nothing like Sherlock Holmes (though he was named after him).

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